Environmentally friendly products and services are becoming more and more important. Businesses are facing an increasing amount of legislation concerning sustainability and CO2 emissions, and can even face financial penalties for failing to comply with new regulations. Meanwhile, more and more consumers are prioritising the environmental credentials of products and services. In other words, not being “green” could be turning potential customers away from your business!

With all this in mind, let’s examine the green credentials of digital signage. The technology used in many digital signs includes LEDs to provide screen back lighting, which are low impact and energy efficient.  When used in other more traditional lighting applications, LEDs last up to ten times longer than incandescent bulbs. They are also more efficient than fluorescent lighting. Similarly, LED-based digital display screens used in digital signs are the most environmentally friendly solution and also the most cost effective to run while providing superior colour and brightness and lasting longer.

While LCD and plasma digital displays may use more energy than LED displays, all digital signage is essentially reusable. Software solutions for digital signs allow for frequent updates, which leads to less waste and resources being used – you can “reuse” the same sign over and over again. Did you change your logo? Have you launched a new product? Or do you want to feature your latest advertising slogan? No problem! It can all be done at the touch of a button.

Also, because some digital signage can use advanced technology like facial recognition and audience measurement to detect who is looking at a particular sign, content can be tailored to a specific audience.  This allows a business to cover more ground and reach more potential customers with less overall footprint.

Using quality products that are built to last and designed to be reused also means that less waste ends up in landfills. Many digital sign components can even be recycled. Polycarbonate plastic, gold, copper and aluminium can all be reused in the manufacture of other products and some of the materials already in digital signs and electronic messaging centres could have begun life in another device.

The environment and profitability don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Reducing, reusing and recycling make sound business sense. This isn’t just good news for the environment, it’s also great news for your bottom line.

To learn more about being environmentally friendly through digital signage contact us today by clicking the link below!

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